Monday, March 23, 2009

A Plague Upon our House

Dear Mayor Fenty,

I'm writing to alert you to an alarming problem which I became aware of yesterday. I was traveling from National Airport to my home in upper Northwest in a lovely DC taxicab. As the sun was setting over the district, I glanced at the fees chart plastered to the window only to find a horrible misprint. Much to my shock and dismay, this document--which appeared to be produced by the DC government--calls the district "the District on Columbia." (picture attached.) How are we expected to ask the federal government, our citizens, and citizens of this fine nation to give our city the respect and power it deserves when we are unable to correctly identify ourselves in a document which will be displayed and consulted by hundreds, if not thousands of tourists.

I, for one, blame Leon J. Swain, Jr., chairperson of the DC taxicab commission, who lent his name to the document.

By way of this letter, I ask you to fix the problem immediately and have a talk with Mr. Swain re: his proofreading skills.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Molly Laurence, concerned citizen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I looked at my subscription page. There must be some mistake. Finally, after months, the funny, bright, Travels with Charlie... was back. Please keep up the blogging. And keep cracking on DC authorities. I'm pretty sure you all are not going to get a real Congress person if you call yourselves District on Columbia. If I'm not mistaken, the Columbia divides Oregon and Washington...